NCNR User Group
Bylaws and Charter


The name of this organization shall be the NCNR User Group


The purpose of the NCNR User Group is to:

  • Provide a clear channel for the exchange of information and advice between the investigators who perform neutron experiments at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Center for Neutron Research (NCNR) and the facility’s management.
  • Provide a formal vehicle for NCNR users to transmit concerns and recommendations to the NCNR management regarding matters affecting the user community.
  • Provide a communication channel among users of the NCNR.


Membership in the NCNR User Group is open to all users and potential users of the various neutron facilities at the NCNR and to scientists and engineers engaged in operation and development of these facilities. Biennial renewal of membership is required to maintain active status in the NCNR User Group.


The biennial American Conference on Neutron Scattering (ACNS) shall constitute the only regular meeting of the organization. Special meetings of the NCNR User Group, or a subcommittee thereof, may be called by the Executive Committee or a by petition of at least 10 members followed by a majority of those voting in an electronic ballot. All other normal business will be conducted electronically via email, electronic balloting, etc


A. Executive Committee. The Executive Committee (EC) shall conduct the regular business of the NCNR User Group and shall have 7 members consisting of the Chair, Vice-Chair, a Secretary and 4 other members. The seven members shall be elected by the NCNR User Group membership by electronic ballot or other method as deemed appropriate by the EC. Six of the members shall serve four year terms while the remaining position will be for a graduate student or postdoctoral fellow who shall serve a two year term. 3 of the regular members and the student/postdoctoral member will be elected every 2 years providing a staggered rotation of members. In the first two years of operation, in order to ensure continuity and proper staggering of elections, the 3 regular members and one student/postdoctoral member shall serve with 3 of the members of the original appointed chartering group. Terms for members shall begin on the January 1 following an election in the fall. This transition time may be changed by the EC as it deems appropriate. In order to ensure representation from all the scientific areas being served, there shall be one member representing each of the scientific areas covered by the Program Advisory Committee (PAC) sub-panels (currently SANS, Reflectometry, and Inelastic). The remaining positions shall be considered “member-at-large” positions. Election of members shall be by simple pluralities of votes cast.

B. Executive Committee elections. The EC, or subcommittee thereof shall be responsible for conducting the elections with help from the NCNR technical staff. In preparing a slate of candidates, due diligence shall be exercised to ensure a fair representation on the EC of each of the principal activities at the NCNR, as well as to maintain reasonable scientific, institutional, and geographic diversity. No member of the Executive Committee shall be an employee of the NCNR and no more than 2 members shall be employees of NIST. The membership at large shall be given an opportunity to submit nominations by a general announcement at least 3 weeks prior to the deadline. All nominations, including self-nominations received by the deadline shall be considered. Nominations made by five or more signatures of active members (emails constituting signature) shall be considered binding.

C. Officers. The officers of the EC shall be a Chair, a Vice-Chair/Chair Elect, and a Secretary, each serving two-year terms. Subsequent to the election of new EC members, the EC shall select a Vice-Chair from one of the new members of the Committee. A Secretary shall also be chosen at this time. The Vice-Chair shall serve during the ensuing two year period and succeed to Chair after the following election. If the office of Chair becomes vacant, the Vice-Chair shall assume the position of Chair and an interim Vice-Chair shall be chosen to serve till the following election only. Neither the Chair nor Vice-Chair shall be an employee of NIST.

D. NCNR Liaison. A Liaison, and/or Administrative Assistant appointed by the NCNR management shall be responsible for assisting with various administrative aspects of the NCNR User Group business as requested.

E. Executive Committee Meetings. The Executive Committee meetings shall be called by the Chair or by a majority of the Executive Committee membership. The Committee shall convene at least six times a year.

F. Functions and Procedures. The Executive Committee shall carry out the following functions and procedures:

  1. The Executive Committee shall identify and make recommendations to the NCNR management on matters affecting the user community such as operating policies, facilities needs, infrastructure, and instrumentation.
  2. The EC will assure good communication between the NCNR User community and the NCNR management and in general serve the interests of the user community.
  3. The EC may, on its own initiative, and shall upon the request form at least 10 members, submit questions for consideration to the full membership. Results of such deliberations shall be communicated to NCNR management.
  4. The EC shall keep the membership informed of issues under consideration through a website, email or other appropriate methods.


This charter shall be adopted if approved by two-thirds of the NCNR User Group members voting.

Proposed amendments to this charter may be made by the EC or by petition from the membership bearing the signatures of at least twenty-five NCNR User Group members. Proposed amendments shall be placed on the ballot during the election cycle. A two-thirds majority of members voting is required for passage of the amendment.


Any issues of order that may from time to time arise which are not covered by this charter shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised.

NCNR User Group | Executive Committee | Charter | Executive Committee Minutes | NCNR
Last Updated: March 09, 2017
Copyright 2005, NCNR Users Group